How Our Landline Service Works

  • Why choose 'PhonesForSeniors' Landline service?

    Our Landline service has been built to be flexible and low cost, while not needing to miss out on any features you may need such as Internet, Special phones or Safety Features Such as CallGuard (see the Callguard Section below). With lines from just £9.99 a month and no long term contracts, PhonesForSeniors, is the antidote to BT and Virgin Etc.

  • What is CallGuard?

    Callguard is a unique service which protects users against Scammers, SPAM calls and abuse, by allowing control of who can or cannot call you. Click HERE for Details

  • What is involved in setting up my new line?

    It is as easy as getting a new kettle and plugging it in. You do not need to configure anything or mess with settings. There is no cabling and no engineer needs to visit.

    Our solution is a one-box ‘plug-and-play’ product. You simply receive a parcel from us with our voice box in it, along with a simple setup guide. You then take the box out, power it up by plugging it into a power socket, and plug your existing phone into it. All Done!

    Using the optional Internet connection is as simple as connecting to wi-fi.

  • Do I need a new phone?

    No. You will not need to have a new type of phone. You are able to either use your existing home phone (tone button type) or you can elect to choose form a range of special phones we have for people with hearing or sight impairments

  • What exactly does the bundle include?

    All of our Landlines include unlimited free calls to UK Landline numbers and to the main 4 Mobile Providers (EE, Vodafone, O2 and 3 Mobile). There is also no cost to you if someone calls you.

  • How much data can I use if I add your optional Internet Service to My bundle

    You have two options for Internet bundles. Our cheapest 4GB per month bundle @ just £3 is intended for light usage. 

    For anyone else, we have our Unlimited Bundle which provides a MASSIVE 650GB per month for just £6 - more than enough to stream films, listen to podcasts and listen to music to your heart’s content.

  • How can you provide a Landline with no engineer or cabling needed?

    Our Landline and Internet box uses a built-in 4G/5G SIM provided By the 3 network. This means that wherever there is coverage (which is almost everywhere) , then you can use our service. 

  • What about moving my line or using it in other places?

    Because we use a wireless network it means that you will be able to move your service simply by unplugging it in one place and powering it up again in your new location. 

    The SIM in your one-box solution also allows you to ‘roam like you are at home’ in 43 European countries. This means that you can use your line for calls anywhere with coverage, in Europe. You can also use up to 20GB of your optional data allowance in these territories (Please note that this is intended to be a temporary international use, and the the network reserves the right to restrict service if used for more than 60 days a year overseas)

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